Eating Right

"Diet is King, Exercise is Queen" -Dr Jack Lalane

How many times have we heard that you are what you eat?  We all intuitively know this to be true, even though we may not think of this simple principle as we eat the things the government and television tells us we should eat.  What you may not realize, is that regardless of your symptoms the diet that you choose to eat will effect the symptoms that you are currently experiencing. Some symptoms may be attributed to food allergies or sensitivities you didn't even know you had. When you adjust your eating habits appropriately, miraculous things can occur such as weight loss, feeling and looking younger, reduced inflammation, reduction in the amount of medications needed or even eliminating the need for medications you've been taking for years, and reduction or complete recovery from initial symptoms. A little known fact is that 80% of your immune system comes from your gut. So, if your digestive tract is inflamed, it can severely reduce the effectiveness of your immune system.  Which in turn can lead to autoimmune diseases or impede healing. Here are some tips to put you on the path to a healthier lifestyle through nutrition: The basic principal you will hear me say over and over again is to eat protein with veggies and fruit in between.

 Protein and Veggies Eating protein and vegetables in combination 3 to 5 times per day will have you feeling better than you ever have in no time. Grass fed, free-range, organic meats are always best. Eat lots of fresh, local, organic vegetables. The only vegetables to avoid are corn and white potatoes, as those are high in carbohydrates/sugar. Sweet potatoes and yams are okay but if you want to lose weight you might want to avoid them altogether. Proteins include:

 Red Meat                 Poultry             Fish*  Eggs - eat the whole egg
 Beef                    Turkey                Salmon  Egg Yolks
 Lamb                    Chicken                Cod  
 Venison                    Duck                Tuna  
 Buffalo                    Pheasant                Mackerel  
 Pork                  Tilapia  
 Elk                  Halibut  
     *Any seafood including
shellfish if you are not
allergic.  No Sushi.

Breakfast You should strive to eat a protein breakfast every morning, preferably eggs, slightly runny yolks and steamed vegetables (kale or chard with butter). You can even add bacon, breakfast sausage, or last night's dinner meat (Yum!). If you are egg sensitive then you will need to change your mindset about what you can make for breakfast.  Think about having any other protein and vegetable.  My breakfasts over the past few months have looked a lot like most people's lunches. Fruit away from Protein EAT YOUR FRUIT—DON'T DRINK IT! Store bought juices generally contain sugar and additives.  Even if it claims to have no sugar added, the labeling laws allow for company to measure the percent sugar in the barrels after juicing and sugar all the barrels up to the level of the highest concentration of sugar and state on the label that no sugar was added to the juice.  Also, keep in mind that they never choose the best fruits to juice. The best way to eat fruit is between meals as mid-morning or afternoon snacks. The main thing to remember is to not overdo it. Just because fruit grows on trees, doesn't mean you can eat all you want. Water Hydration is one of the most important things to consider in all health conditions.  A good general guideline is that you should drink ½ your body weight in ounces per day.  Honestly, it would be better to drink your body weight in ounces.  As a minimum of 2 liters of Mineral Water (like San Pellegrino) or other high quality spring water, a day. Preferably a liter before noon and a liter before dinner. Avoid reverse osmosis filtered water like Dasani or Aquafina. Butter and Oil Use real butter, coconut oil and olive oil in your cooking and baking. Avoid margarine, butter substitutes, vegetable oil, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, Crisco, PAM, trans fatty acids, and partially hydrogenated oils. Pick up the brochure in our office, "Chewing the Fat." Salt is good for you in most cases. Use Celtic Sea Salt.  It has many of the minerals your body needs. AVOID "The Five Fingers of Death"

  1. Sugar
    No high fructose corn syrup, agave, candy, cakes, brownies, pies, cookies, ice cream & soda. Begin to use natural sweeteners such as honey, molasses, real maple syrup, and Stevia.  Avoid all artificial sweeteners, especially those found in diet soda and Crystal Light. Look for these names to avoid: Saccharin (Sweet & Low), Sucralose (Splenda), Aspertame (Nutrasweet and Equal), Cyclamates, Acesulfame-K (Sunette).
  2. Wheat
    Avoid wheat (gluten), especially if you have liver or intestinal absorption issues. Initially, rice is a good gluten-free grain substitution for most people. The next time you're in our office, pick up one of our brochures at the front desk entitled, "How Does the Flour we Devour Impact our Health."
  3. Dairy
    Avoid cow, goat, and sheep's milk.  Real butter and whey protein are okay. Use rice or almond milk as substitutes. No ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese and American made cheeses. Avoid dairy, especially if you are of African-American or Asian descent.
  4. Soy
    It is not the Health Food it is touted.  Over 95% of American soy crops are genetically modified, even if labeled organic.
  5. Corn
    Over 85% of American corn crops are genetically modified, even if labeled organic. Avoid especially if you are of Native American or Hispanic descent.

Remember:  The definition of INSANITY is doing exactly the same thing, and expecting a different result.  Diet is the foundation of changing your life.  Give it a try and feel better.  Anything that is worth something in life takes hard work and sustained effort. THIS DIET DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR CHIROPRACTIC CARE. CHIROPRACTIC CARE DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR THIS DIET. You are worth the effort!